Communicate with an engaged and responsive tennis audience to ensure you get great results for your business and brands.
Hong Kong Tennis Magazine is published quarterly and is read by thousands of people who are interested in, and play tennis on, a regular basis. Readers are split 55% female and 45% male with approximately 70% aged 35+.
Much of the readership comprises coaches, players, fans, tennis clubs, private member clubs, all HKTA Members, plus a wide range of people in the tennis industry, all with a keen interest in sport, fitness and health.
The hard copy print version is produced in a bi-lingual format, English and Chinese and has a distribution of around 12,000 copies per issue (with an estimated readership of more than 30,000).
Hong Kong Tennis Magazine’s e-magazine is currently bi-lingual, and features active links to advertiser websites, emails, promotional videos and much, much more.
Contact us now to see how you can reach our valuable readers on (852) 9641 1936
or email: [email protected]
To download the Media Kit PDF, please click here.
Hong Kong Tennis Magazine is published quarterly and is read by thousands of people who are interested in, and play tennis on, a regular basis. Readers are split 55% female and 45% male with approximately 70% aged 35+.
Much of the readership comprises coaches, players, fans, tennis clubs, private member clubs, all HKTA Members, plus a wide range of people in the tennis industry, all with a keen interest in sport, fitness and health.
The hard copy print version is produced in a bi-lingual format, English and Chinese and has a distribution of around 12,000 copies per issue (with an estimated readership of more than 30,000).
Hong Kong Tennis Magazine’s e-magazine is currently bi-lingual, and features active links to advertiser websites, emails, promotional videos and much, much more.
Contact us now to see how you can reach our valuable readers on (852) 9641 1936
or email: [email protected]
To download the Media Kit PDF, please click here.